WIP Wednesday

It’s been nearly an eternity since I made my last post but it’s a balmy 91 degrees today in Indiana and I’m happy to spend some time at my desk, in the A/C sharing some of my current projects with everyone.

The amount of projects I have going on right now is getting a little out of hand. No seriously, I had to make a list to keep track of them all.

So here we go.


  1. emPower People Bandana. This pattern is part of a craftivism project called Empower People 2020. It’s all about bringing awareness to the power of voting and demanding equality for all people. If you want to check out more about the Empower People message head over to their website. I’m using the Empower Purple yarn from Merino y Vino.
Empower People Bandana
  1. Buffalo Cardigan by We Are Knitters. I bought this kit a while ago, when Spring was having an identity crisis in the Midwest. It’s a nice cozy sweater to curl up with on cool days. You can find the kit here.
Buffalo Cardigan in Millennial Pink
  1. Chevron Wrap. This is a pattern of my own creation that I am working on. It was one of those things where the yarn just inspired me and I was off. 
Yarn from  MelodyyByWolltraum
  1. TBD Cowl. This cowl was inspired by a cowl I saw in a store about a decade ago. I knitted it up from memory trying my best to imitate the vibe it gave off. Now, I’m making it again. This time writing down the pattern and testing with a new yarn. No ideas on a name for this one yet.
  1. Hibiscus top (still) by We Are Knitters. Okay. So. I’m just going to say it. I do not like linen stitch and it does not like me. I started this top a couple of months ago. It is both beautiful and infuriating at the same time. Here’s hoping I finish it sometime before next summer. You can buy the kit here.
Hibiscus Top in Black

Fall Knitting Preview:

Not only have I already started on some fall projects, I have a couple finished and a couple more on my to-do list.

I have already made a few pom-pom hats, focusing on a couple simple constructions since I don’t have much experience in the world of beanies. I’m sure there are several patterns out there already for these simple hats but I will post my patterns on my blog for both the Seed Stitch Hat and what I’m calling the Plain Jane Pom Beanie as soon as I have them written up.

Next up, I’ll be casting on the No Frills Sweater by Petite Knit. You can find the pattern on Ravelry. I already have a yarn picked out and swatched but finding the needles needed has proven to be more difficult than I would like.

Finally, I ordered the Folklore Cardigan kit from Lion Brand Yarn. Obviously this is a nod to T. Swift’s new album, Folklore and nothing kicks in my nostalgia like cable knit cardigans and pop music.

Until next time, I’ll be here living my best yarn life. 

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