WIP Wednesday

It’s been nearly an eternity since I made my last post but it’s a balmy 91 degrees today in Indiana and I’m happy to spend some time at my desk, in the A/C sharing some of my current projects with everyone. The amount of projects I have going on right now is getting a little... Continue Reading →

WIP Wednesday

*Contains affiliate link. If you use the link to purchase, I will receive a small commission. I've seen this Nordic summer top all over Instagram and, of course, I had to make it. It took me a while to find the pattern since the designer is Norwegian but I did it! So far it has... Continue Reading →

Need a lifeline?

Need a lifeline? To be honest, I haven’t had the best luck with complicated knit patterns. They can be long and complicated and often require the use of stitches I’ve never encountered. However, more often than not, my problem is that I lose track of where I am or what row I’m on and it... Continue Reading →

WAK Box – Summer Edition

Remember that time I mentioned that I want to knit an article of clothing? If you do, hold on to your seats because here we go. If not, go check out my first blog post here. If you've never heard of We Are Knitters, you should check them out. No seriously, go. Now. Still here?... Continue Reading →

Where it all began.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit or crochet? It can be a daunting task especially with the myriad of beautiful patterns full of intricate detail that you can find on Pinterest these days. It's so easy to get lost endlessly scrolling through pages and pages of patterns.  (BTW if you want to... Continue Reading →

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My Tangled Yarn Knitting Adventures

Ramblings from an obsessed knitter

String Geekery

knitting, crochet, other string tricks, and forays into other creative endeavors


Musings about Crochet, Crafting and Art

The Corner of Knit & Tea

Tech Editing. Knitting. Spinning. A fiber filled life.

tin can knits

joyful seamless knitting patterns

Yards of Happiness

A blog about knitting and things that bring me joy.

knit the hell out

More obsessed with each passing stitch.


yeah right.


Crafting and wellbeing

purl baby

Est. 2019

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