WAK Box – Summer Edition

Remember that time I mentioned that I want to knit an article of clothing? If you do, hold on to your seats because here we go. If not, go check out my first blog post here.

If you’ve never heard of We Are Knitters, you should check them out. No seriously, go. Now.

Still here? Okay. I discovered them recently while searching for projects and, oh my goodness, I am in love! Not only are their patterns simple and stylish, their yarns are so good! They’ve done a great job of playing into my tastes as a millennial which may be part of the draw but regardless of that fact, they have a variety of yarn and patterns that appeal to a wide range of crafters.

This brings me to my current situation. A while ago, I signed up for their emails thinking I would be determined enough to buy one of their kits one day. Well today is that day. I received an email from WAK with the subject “New Wak Box Summer Edition,” and I’m a sucker for this sort of thing so I promptly followed the link in the email. In the WAK box you get a choice of knit kit; the needles for your chosen project; a tote bag adorned with some clever text, and a WAK mug along with some stickers, yarn needles, and a WAK tag you can use to finish your project.

All the goodies!

So, I think to myself, how could I, a red blooded yarn hoarder, I mean, knitter, resist this opportunity?! After looking through the options, I decided on the Hibiscus Top in wine, which was the intermediate option, and the Crochet is my Cardio bag because I love a good alliteration (and because the “Yes, I like to knit. No, I’m not old.” bag was sold out). After adding all of that to my cart, I was prompted to add a needle case in order to get free shipping. So I did just that, again, sucker.

The Cotton

The real question is, how did I get sucked in so quickly? I mean, I went from reading the subject line to checking out in no time. 

Here’s how:

1. The box was (and still is) 25% off.


2. Lately I have been obsessed with making clothing. 

Over the years I’ve started so many knit or crochet clothing projects that have either been cannibalized (probably to make a scarf that I may or may not have finished) or sit half finished in a drawer. Every time I start a new one, I vow to finish but I eventually stray and the project finds itself banished to the island of misfit yarn. Yet, here I am, once again, attempting to knit a piece of clothing, determined to avenge my past failures.

At this point, all I had to do was sit and wait for my WAK Box to arrive. Shipping was pretty quick, which I always appreciate because there is nothing that excites me more than starting a new project. However, the day before my package was set to arrive, I received an email from customer service letting me know that my box would arrive with the wrong size needles. In order to fix this problem, they offered to send me a different pattern. When I ordered the box I was torn between the intermediate level and the advanced level projects. Both are tank tops but the advanced project is definitely outside my comfort zone. So when they asked which pattern I would like instead, I said screw it, let’s go for the advanced level pattern.

Skye – Patiently waiting for me to start playing with yarn

Now here I am writing this post, nervous to get started. I have looked through the pattern three times already just to try to get a handle on the challenge I will be undertaking. 

I wouldn’t call myself a great knitter. I’m not fast and I can’t follow fancy lacy patterns very well. That played into my decision to choose the Hibiscus Top. It looks like a pretty basic, simple tank top pattern that I could easily handle. Plus, summer hardly seems like the right time to knit a scarf… even if it is beautiful.


Change of plans. I’ll be making the Cala Top.

This is going to be a difficult journey for me but I’m excited to share it with all of you who may have the same reservations about taking on a project this complex.

You can check out my unboxing video on my Pinterest page here.

While this post is not sponsored, if you buy from We Are Knitters using my code (MGMTBDSLX), you will get $12 off your order and I will receive WAK Money that I can use toward a future purchase.

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