Where it all began.

Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit or crochet?

It can be a daunting task especially with the myriad of beautiful patterns full of intricate detail that you can find on Pinterest these days. It’s so easy to get lost endlessly scrolling through pages and pages of patterns. 

(BTW if you want to see where all that time on Pinterest got me, check out my page here)

That being said, there are so many great resources out there to assist you in your quest to learn to knit or crochet. Youtube is a great place to start and a Google search for “how to knit” or “how to crochet” will bring you so many options to help you get started. 

Here are a few websites I think have a good assortment of tutorials.

  1. Sheep & Stitch has a well-written step-by-step tutorial on how to knit that includes both photos and graphics to guide you as you learn to knit. She also has a series of YouTube videos if you want to take a more live action approach. Also, I just think she’s got a great message and philosophy to spread. 
  1. We Are Knitters has videos for just about anything you could ever want to know about how to knit or crochet. They have tutorial videos for both on their website that are easy to follow. While you’re there, check out their kits. They range from easy to advanced and include everything you need to complete the project. 
  1. All About Ami is another blog I have been excited about for a while. She has an assortment of tips for crocheting that are all compiled on her tips page (here). PLUS she has a directory of amigurumi and crochet blogs that she compiled herself.
Books my grandmother gave me.

When I learned to knit and crochet, I didn’t have access to the internet or YouTube. I was young, probably 10 or 11, when I asked my grandmother to teach me. She spent some time teaching me basic crochet stitches and I was off. Most of my time was spent making simple patterns from whatever books I had and ones that she gave me. 

Some of my first knit and crochet books.

A lot of that time was spent making scarves and hats that looked a little too big for anyone to wear. Not much has changed; I still love making a good scarf. There is something about creating a long piece of knitted or crocheted fabric, no matter how simple, that is so gratifying.

Weird misshapen hats. Oof!

Eventually, I grew bored of crochet (until I discovered amigurumi, but more on that another time) and wanted to branch out into knitting. From the beginning that was a love/hate relationship.

I think I made every project in this book.

I had always thought knitted fabric was more sophisticated than crocheted fabric so I was excited to learn, however, it was a truly frustrating endeavor. I wanted to knit everything but it didn’t come as quickly as crochet. I felt slow and clumsy and to this day, 20 or so years later, I would still describe myself as just an okay knitter. 

Nevertheless, I go through periods where knitting is all I want to do. I work on keeping my yarn tension consistent, I challenge myself to try new things, and I try to increase my speed. Those times don’t normally last too long before I’m looking for my next crochet project or get lost browsing my favorite yarn shops on Etsy.

That pretty much brings us to now. Riveting story, I know, but I’m willing to bet there are a lot of aspiring crafters out there like me. We hoard yarn (because it’s so pretty!), we have spent hours pinning beautiful projects that we hope to one day start (and finish 🤞), and our obsession just continues to grow.

There is so much more about both that I can learn and the list only continues to grow as I peruse the internet for my next project. But, first on my list is to knit an actual piece of clothing.

This is why I am here, writing this post, starting this blog. I want you to follow me on my journey to become a better crafter! Hopefully, we will both learn something in the process and have a ton of fun doing it!

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